C++ library on top of the lovely LVGL project.
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Todo List
Member lvppBase::setBGColor (lv_color_t color)
I think this add_style needs to go away and an 'invalidate' should be used instead.
Member lvppBase::setFontSize (uint8_t points)
Possibly return a bool for errant point values or for requests of point sizes that weren't compiled in?
Member lvppBaseWithValue::setValue (int16_t value, bool animate=true)
TECHDEBT - should allow values outside range, but UI only shows inside range. However, this will impact the 'percentage' function too and likely needs to become getUIPercentage
Member lvppCanvasFullColor::drawLabel (lv_coord_t x, lv_coord_t y, lv_coord_t maxW, lv_color_t color, const char *pText)
This likely needs more thought. It takes no account for font sizes at a minimum. Not enough consideration has been given to how this would be used quite yet.
Member lvppCanvasIndexed::pBuffer
This use of LV_COLOR_DEPTH is believed to be correct at least for 8 and 16, but is this complete ?
Member lvppLabel::setTextColor (lv_color_t newColor)
I think this add_style needs to go away and an 'invalidate' should be used instead.
Class lvppScreen

Add full compliment of object types to setObjValue

Add a getter similar to setObj* as getObj*()

Member lvppScreen::setObjText (std::string str)
Function incomplete and needs implementation.
Member lvppScreen::setObjValue (const char *objName, int16_t val)

Support more than just bar and slider for value setting. Get clear on what widgets should bet settable.

Create a 'getter' version as well.

Create a setObj() possibly for boolean types like buttons?? OR just use 1/0 as the 'val'?